Paradox on the Stage
by Adrija Jana
It is quite simple
To step out of a car, walk up to the stage
Hold a cordless microphone in hand
And to talk about sustainability,
About the Carbon Footprint
About Reducing Consumption
And even simpler
To blame it all on the activities in the developing nations
When you know that as you get home
Warm food on the table will be waiting for you
Today, and tomorrow, and the day after and the day after
But did you ever pause a moment to think of them
Who do not have the luxury of a home, a table or even a bowl of food? Or of them who have to toil three days to finally get food on the fourth? Do you think of the young children who peep in through windows just for a smell of the delicacies, their stomachs rumbling with hunger?
Do you think of the pregnant women, distraught with starvation, working doubly hard to feed their unborn child?
You have warm soup to soak your throat in the winters
Do you know that there are those who survive on dirty cold water of the polluted rivers And attempt to satiate their hunger just with a drink or two?
You think of the future, you say
You work for the future
But what of those
Whose present is not secure
What of those who do not know if the food at home will last another day? What of those who do not know if they will get to eat for a single day in the next day? Have you ever thought what "Reduction in Consumption" would sound like to them?
No, you haven't.
We can all speak
Speak about what we read in the newspapers everyday
Or about what the news channels have convinced us is important
But do we ever think about the "behind the scenes?" About the people who suffer in silence
Whose suffering never comes into the light?
It is them we need to think about first
It is them we need to uplift
Because if they do not know if they will live another day How can we expect them to be concerned about the world? Only when we are at par
Only when we all secure
Can we look forward to securing our world together
Can we look forward to saving our world together
Adrija Jana is a passionately creative writer based in India. She mostly creates poetry pieces based on her personal experiences as well as social issues she is passionate about. Her work mostly revolves around protest against period poverty, marital rape and advocating for freedom of choice, apart from emotional self-lived experiences. She is inspired by writers such as Margaret Mitchell and Rupi Kaur, as well as the minutiae of everyday life.
Apart from being a writer, Adrija is also a Spoken Word Artist, Theatrecian, Filmmaker and creative researcher, and all her work is woven together by common themes. She believes that creative pieces that let the innate imperfection shine through truly touch hearts.
You can reach out to Adrija or read more about her work on her instagram account- @adrija_jana2004