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Where to find death-

by Shilpa Bharti

I have found it 

In {I} inside parenthesis;

In crescent antlers piked to chital’s rib;

It’s traces in moth’s wing splinter over creased arms

and damp cold bangles of my grandmother—ornamentals—

ghee-dipped white wicks into nostrils; 


it’s not a week ago,

 amongst ten, a plant turns yellow—a sudden work 

under pressure—a wrong sized boot fitted to wrong foot.

Our breathes made eerie in mist with the plumage in buzzards



It’s noon, now, the letter box stunted—empty without the warmth 

of letters or say from old friends.

The hundreds of goldfishes in my stomach stoops and peep to the scent of words

like rivers from my lover’s mouth—

when he spoke, his words were not his words—his mouth 

spoon fed by Nimbostratus; a haycock’s edge; a bungled tale—

trampled grass,


beneath our feet.






Shilpa Bharti, pen name- Rose. She has served on the editorial panel of several literary journals. She has been on the judging panel of poetry contests including the poetry pea journal haiku contest. She had her work published in failed haiku journal; poetry pea journal of haiku and senryu; creatrix haiku journal; neo literary journal; narrow road literary journal (young voices slot); an ode to the queer journal; howling press; forthcoming work includes poems in the SAHITYA AKADEMI, throat to sky magazine, ressurection press and Her Artwork has managed to appear in several other art journals.

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